Post Long-leave Blues

So the streak of long weekend has ended. I don't know what happened last week, but today both kids were extremely well-behaved. 

Today, Hakimi made his own breakfast. He asked, "Mami, mami dah buatkan breakfast saya ke?" "Not yet." "Takpe Mami, saya nak buat sendiri". And he made grilled cheese. 

Hadi got off the car and walked to the nursery on his own. No drama. He even waved goodbye until I was out of sight. 

And both kids hugged and kissed each other before Hadi and I left the house. Hadi was like, "Abang nak pergi sekolah dengan Didi tak?" "No, taknak." "Okay nanti petang kita jumpa ya".

How did that happen?

No idea. 

Could be because I was at home whole day yesterday with them? Not only I was at home, but I actually spent time with them. The night before, I made a car track out of cardboard and spent the whole of the next morning decorating it with them. 

Or could be because I bought them new Lego set each? Mami is known to be the kedekut one that Ayah came home asking me, "Mami mimpi apa belikan budak-budak presents?" 

Hoi Mami takde la kedekut sangat. 

Really, no idea. 

Extremely good days and good stuff scare me. Like, why am I receiving all these good things? Because something bad is about to happen? Is my good luck going to end?

I am always scared that one day God decides that I have had enough of good things happening to me and then boom! He drops the bomb on me. Nauzubillah.

Maybe it's just the post-long-leave blues. 

Or maybe it's the sugar withdrawal. 


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