i wonder why some people can be so stupid and insensitive of other people's feelings??
no no insensitive's not the right word..
soo...soo..so wat ah...stupid lah that's enough.
those who are sooo freakin buduh to use people's stuff;firstly, without permission, and secondly, used them and not putting them back where they first took it, and thirdly, used them, not putting them back, and to make it worse, left it on the cabinet without washing it!!!freakin stupid humans!!!
i dont mind sharing, but pls laaa pikir sket and put them back so i can use them...

hell, why am i even writing it here??nobody's gonna read but at least 10% of the anger dah lepas...tinggal 90% to whoever it is who took my stuff and not putting it back.

please laa bebs we're leaving together pls be more considerate not just to me but to everybody...


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