Complaints of a Mummy 2 B

Okay, these arent exactly complaints. Just, dissatisfactions. Or , bitter experiences. Hihihi... Whatever they are, I'm still happy that I am pregnant. =D

When you are pregnant, you start to hate things that you used to love. Or sometimes, you just have to forget certain things for a while. Not cool.


Okay now tell me who hates eating? Nobody. Unless you're anorexic, that is.
So, the story is, now, every single thing i eat will almost definitely come out again. Either then and there or two hours later. Point is, nothing stays inside. So, really, putting anything into my mouth is becoming like a task. Dude, forget nasi lemak, charkoeyteow, pizzas, kfc, lalala you name it i hate em all. Kasihan... And no gassy food for me either. Once, i ate gulai nangka and found myself vomitting non-stop for an hour. I ended up vomitting blood. So, goodbye gulai labu.
And... Ive got to forget my absolute must have morning coffee. Or the lunch Starbucks trips. Goodbye mocha latte. (tho i have to admit noticing the longer jangka hayat of my helaian 50 bucks in my purse now, hiihihihi.. trimas lah baby!)

Shopping / Socializing / Going out

Shopping, ape itu shopping?
The thought of having to find and rush to the nearest restroom and vomit with strangers around me is so not a motivation for me to even step out of the house.
My bank account should thank me for this.

Looking Pretty for Work

Please refer to previous para.
No shopping = no new baju.
Pregnant = fat.
fat = no new baju.

I can no longer fit into any of my pants. Even tho most of em are low rise pants but NOTHING FITS ANYMORE!!!! *Depressed*
I wear the same 5 baju kurung to office every week. My morning siap-siap routine consists of mandi, cari baju kurung, sikat rambut, ikat rambut and I'm good to go. Perfume? Ape itu?
Oh, and lets forget heels for a while okey. I'm wearing the ugliest kasut sampan i have ever seen. They're pretty comfortable tho. Like walking in a sampan. Mueehehehe..


For those who know me, my tidur is precious. I do not sacrifice my tidur. I wake up in the morning wishing i still have another 4 hours of darkness to sleep.
But, eversince i got preggie, tidur seems to be one of the hardest things to do. Pusing kanan salah, pusing kiri pun salah, telentang pun salah, meniarap jangan harap le. I wake up every 2-3 hour trying to find a comfy sleeping position. Or trying not to puke. That was couple of weeks ago. Now, i'd wake up to pee. Oiiii i want to tidur laaa... sigh~


Hehehe I have a designated driver to drive me to work every morning now. It all happened when i puked in the car on my way home. Luckily there was a plastic bag in the car or else..... Hmmm not a pretty picture to imagine ey? (I was still half an hour away from home)

If possible I dont even want to get into the car. The road from Gombak - Jln Duta are not the best roads to travel on. Lubang sane sini imagine the gegaran I have to endure... lagi byk gegar2 lagi rasa nak muntah... so I'd force myself to sleep each time i get into the car. Hence the need for a driver.

There might be more, but I forgot. Thats long enough for one entry I guess. Oh, right now, the baby's listening to Quran Recital i downloaded off the net. I have a pair of headphone stretched over my tummy kuikuikui...
Hihihi I know its better if mummy does it but mummy prefers the baby to listen to a pro reading it.

Till then, take care!


Elle Abdollah said…

awww kesiannye ko morning sickness (i rephrase all-day sickness)..
well, nnti if anak ko naughty2, ko ungkit la balek all the pain and vomiting sumer tu.. muahahahaha~

-eLLe beLLe
ajan said…
hihihi yea suda pasti. Aku kunci dia dlm bilik pastu pasang radio bunyi org muntah. muahahaha akulah mummy plg evil.
malique said…
adoi la....aku tak larat gelak baca blog ko ni...hahahah...anak ko mesti terikut keevillan ko nnt..huhuuh
Shahida Mansor said…

ahahah..we are in the same boat..and i know how you feel...

Marzuki said…
Gosh!! 4:00 am in the morning, suppose I'm in my own re-decorated dreamland by now. Arghh, forget it!! I've juz been astounded by your write-up. Nevertheless I agree with all of it. For want of a better metaphor, life's simply like a wheel, it has its up and downs while functioning. It keeps whirling and whirling throughout the journey until it reaches the destination. All of those - food, shopping, Looking pretty at work, tidur...ahah! As the years go by at great speed, we tend to suffused with too much worry and anxiety. Realizing that infantilism has come to an end. Life's stretched ahead of us like an interminable vista of possibilities. Much like the snow blown into heaps by the wind. Gees, I have never writes in other people blog before. I can't believe I'm writing it to you. Y..u? Guess, you proposed for it, aye.

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