Welcome Baby Hakimi!

Let me introduce you to the latest member of the family, Baby Hakimi..

Hakimi, fresh from oven =)

Full name: Hakimi Mohd Akmal
DOB: 28 October 2008, 6.10 p.m.
POB: Pusrawi, KL
Weight: 2.9 kg
Height: 53 cm


6.00 am:
Start sakit perut / rasa contraction. Rasa exactly like sakit period / senggugut, the only difference is it strikes in every 6 minutes and last for about 1 min each. Takde la sakit mana kalau tahan senggugut tahan la sakit contraction...

7.00 am:
Decided not to go to work. Called office bagitau MC. Contraction still going on.

9.00 am:
Went to Pusrawi to get MC. Mind you to get MC jerrr bukan nak pi check up ke aper... But the contractions were gettting stronger and more often. Time ni sakit rasa nak menjerit. Lagi2 gi hospital with my brother's kancil WITHOUT aircond. Huii cabaran.

10.00 am:
Sampai2 je terus buat test CTG. Initially the result was messed up sebab the nurse had placed the sensor too close to my heartbeat, so the graph showed 2 heartbeats, mine and baby. Second time buat dah OK.

11.00 am:
Doctor Adilah panggil masuk bilik dier. Terus baring atas katil and she checked my rahim opening. Seluk2 sket, then she said... "Ohhh ini dah boleh beranak harini dah ni... dah bukak 4 dah pun.. ini by Maghrib dah boleh beranak.. silap silap asar dah bersalin..." I was like... WHAT?????? OMG OMG OMG. Panic tak hingat.

11.30 am:
Terus masuk labor room. Called ach suruh datang hospital. Called family to inform. The worse thing I had to do was inform suzy that i wont be coming for the next 2 months... Siann dia.

2.00 pm:
Kene cucuk epidural. Doctor pecahkan air. Was already dilated 7 by this time.

2.00 - 430 pm:
Tido. Hihihihi.... dah tak rase aper... high on epi ade la. and my left leg was totally numb i couldnt even move it. Totally lembek. rahim tak bukak2 lagi time ni.. still 7.

5.30 pm:
Bosan tunggu nak beranak. Tak rasa ape ape pun... panggil doctor suruh check dah dilate berapa... then dr cakap... "Laaa dah boleh beranak dah ni... dah dilate 10 dahh.." In the next 15 minutes they got me ready for labor.. both legs were propped up pakai leg support...

5.45 pm:
Real dialog in labor room:
Dr: Pushhhhhhhhhhhh.. pushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Ajan: (tried to push) Tak larat la doktor... cop cop.. kalau saya tak larat nak teran, doktor buat aper hek?
Dr: Hish kamu ni jangan la fikir negative...
Ajan: Takde la doktor, saya fikir emergency plan ajer..
Dr, nurse, Ach: Pushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Dr: You're doing good... haaa da nampak kepala dahh... pushhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..
Ajan: tak laratt.... tak larat nak pushhh...
Dr: Bolehh.. kamu bolehh....
Ach: You can do it baby... bolehh.....
6.10 pm:
Dr: Haaa dah sudah dahh..

Ajan: Aik? Dah? Mane baby?
Dr: (Dr held baby upside down penuh darah2 lagi) Ini baby you...
Ajan: (Turned to ach, mata merah merah) yayang... tu baby kita... tu baby kita...
Ach: You did it bie... muuaahhhs!

Okay itu je yang larat tulis hari ni.. will tell you more on being a mum nanti nanti... to Bibah, epidural tak sakit.. Makes labor a wonderful experience hehehe..
For pictures, visit ach's flickr here.


Anonymous said…
Bes je bace...
tahniah2..sabtu ni g ptg hopefully ade umah ek

-ain smss-
hellostz said…
congrats ach and ajan! alhamdulillah senangg je deliver. bace cerite mcm kluar "plup, plup, plup..." uwwwaaaa.. uwaaa! :p
Anonymous said…
kalu bace mmg cam ala2 kuar plup2 jek...tp kalu tgkkan masa tu ade gak kat 12jam tu..6pg ke 6ptg..part cucuk epidural tu xsakit ke jan? huu..aku xtau lg la nk pakai epi ke xpon just tahan jek sakit tu..hehe..

cam ala2 muke ko si akimi tu kot..
Anonymous said…
Lin Ghazale said…
hahaha you and your dialogs ..aeaekaeka...sakit muka aku tahan gelak kat office.
malique said…
Akmal Akhpah said…
bib, memang ah cerita sebenarnya takdela as easy as plup plup plup je, but i'd prefer to make it sounds easier than it really was. =P

Anyways masa dia bagi epidural tu, there were actually 2 injections, satu local anesthetic utk numbkan area dia nak cucuk epi tu, and another one is the epidural itself. both pun rasa macam kena cucuk BCG. Tapi dia cucuk dekat belakang la.

Pasal nak amek ke tak, its up to you. If youre the type yang tahan sakit, then go without it la. Aku memang jenis manusia lembek tak tahan sakit so jangan harap le aku nak go without it kan. But its better if you decide eearlier, so bagitau kat dr time check up siap2, so they're prepared. Tak worth amek epi kalau kau dah terbukak 6-7 cm baru nak mintak... youve gone through suku the battle already. =)

For me the whole thing was quite painless, alhamdulillah. =)

- Ajan
iL4na said…
x worth one thing. the other thing is epidural mmg doc x kan bagi after dilated more than certain cm. Kena check ngan doc.

Aku terhingin ngan deliver without epi. Tgklah camne if ada guts nxt time :P But for now, i heart epi muah muah. hehe
Anonymous said…
tahniah ajan dan ach!
Anonymous said…
tu laa.. aku pun dok gelak sorg2 bace blog ko ni..
nways, will be visiting u soon..

take care.. muah!!

-elle belle
ajan said…
pie: tq!

lana: i dont think i'll ever have the guts to go for an epi-less delivery. No thank you. But that might change in the future, who knows? =P

But for now, as long as baby itu keluar, whatevver means to get it out tak kisah, but preferably the painless way lahhh~

elle: meh ah datang nak introduce baby kimi to aunty elle ngan uncle hatta!

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