Hakimi @ 11 months
I can see cobwebs everywhere. How on earth do people find time to update their blogs like, every day? Do you draft multiple entries in advance and set the publish date? Salute! I must do that too, i think.
Anyways, its already 29th September 2009. Exactly 30 days from today Kimi will turn 1. One year. Can you believe it?? Mann, time flies by too fast when you're enjoying life.
Anyways, Kimi has learnt a lot since his tenth month. Banyak betul pandai budak cenonet tu! His achievements so far (not in order):
I can see cobwebs everywhere. How on earth do people find time to update their blogs like, every day? Do you draft multiple entries in advance and set the publish date? Salute! I must do that too, i think.
Anyways, its already 29th September 2009. Exactly 30 days from today Kimi will turn 1. One year. Can you believe it?? Mann, time flies by too fast when you're enjoying life.
Anyways, Kimi has learnt a lot since his tenth month. Banyak betul pandai budak cenonet tu! His achievements so far (not in order):
- He can walk!!! Steadily, that is. He can walk from the living room to the kitchen at the back of the house without falling. Can make u-turns without jatuh (he always bullies his tok ma and tok abah - kimi loves to walk towards them (tok ma and tok abah excited ingat cucu derang nak go and hug them or something) only to make a u-turn before he reaches them. Frustrating, I know. Sorry, parents in law.)
- Knows it when ach and I get back from the office. He recognizes our cars and the sounds they make. Will run to the door and mintak dukung.
Will respond to question, "Siapa nama kimi angkat tangannnnnnnnnnn!" - Will put one hand to his ear when we say "Helloo? Hakimi ade?"
- Can do the bye-bye!
- Can do the puk on demand. Puk is actually the sound we make when we hit someone. Like, ayah buli kimi yeee.. puk ayah! Followed by the action of actually hitting the ayah. We didnt mean for kimi to pick this up teehehe but kids, they observe everything and tiru! Must next time watch what we do. Must teach to sayang next time.
- Knows where and how to lift mommy's shirt for nenen.
- Can take off his shoes on his own. He hates his shoes.
- Strong enough to lift a kitten by its tail. Huih. Raksasa betul.
- Dah tumbuh empat gigi! Can eat on his own. I mean, give him a slice of apple, teething rusks, banana, he can feed himself. He knows how to chew, how to keluarkan the food if he had taken a huge bite, and how to muntah if he can't swallow his food chunks.
- Is quite an explorer now. By this I mean, picking up almost everything on the floor and put them in his mouth. Couple of days ago, he threw up when he cant swallow a rubber band. Rubber band!!! He'd also kejar the semut on the floor. Teehehe.
- Can dance and do head-banging! I noticed this when he danced to a barney song. Hahahaha comel lah!
- Has gotten over the geram phase. Kadang-kadang ingat, tapi mostly lupa. Aiseh, part geram tu yang comel sebenarnya.
I end with a video of Kimi doing the "angkat tangan" and "hello" and "bye-bye". Enjoy!
p/s: please pardon my high-pitched voice.