aChieaJanie Go Green
The Earth is sick. Icebergs were seen floating where they shouldn't be, sea level and temperature raising each year, sea turtles die after mistakenly eating plastic bags that they thought were food, tsunamis, flood everywhere...
We don't know how long the earth will last. Maybe it will last long enough for me to live in, tapi lepas tu? You see, we do not own the Earth. We borrow it from our children. Takkan kita nak syok2 hidup lepas tu hand over one that is sick and polluted and unsafe to our children? Kata sayang anak. Kalau sayang, do we want our children to live like Wall-E? Taknak kan? Kita nak anak-anak kita kenal sea turtles tu apa, we want them to be able to fly kites by the lake.. dengan angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa.. we want them to live healthy. No pollution. No robot sea turtles. No fake indoor beaches.
Hence, aChieaJanie has started to go green. Kami dah mula tak ambik plastic bags if we buy things, if we could help it. And semalam i terlebih semangat i purchased Giant punya bag. I promise I will keep these reusable bags in my car. You should start carrying these things too! Okay I know giant ones are a bit blegh to carry around all the time, you can check this website out for some trendy and pretty reusable / recyclable bags.
So, let's say NO to plastic bags.
*plastic bags, you suck!*
Btw resolution tu utk items shopping2 sahaje. Hihi.
Belum pikir camne nak buang sampah dekat dapur lagi. Ach kate ade biodegradable plastics. Tak jumpe.