Weekend Cooking Extravaganza
Pretty Vitamin C!
Previously Kimi gets his daily intake of Vit C from either frozen fruit cubes or grated apples. But lately I've been slacking off, saya agak malas utk buat fruit cubes jadi dia asyik makan grated apples saja everyday. I guess he's had too much of it dia tamau makan dah.
I need to think of new ways to give him his vitamins. So last week I bought popsicle molds at Daiso at the Curve and made fruit popsicles for Kimi! Sukaaa!! Actually they're just frozen fruit purees, but instead cubed, dia bentuk popsicle. Hihihi.
For my first attempt I made mango, orange + mango and kiwi popsicle. Ach ate most of the kiwi popsicle sebab Kimi doesn't quite like it. Masam kot. Hihihi.
Next time will try more popsicle recipes. Suka!
Chocolate Chip and Blueberry Muffin
I had the urge to bake something yesterday, the only things available in my kitchen are just nice to bake muffins. So muffin it was.
It turned out that the six muffins that I made were the prettiest and the most nicely risen muffins I have ever baked!!! Oh sangat suka.
Taste-wise, I don't think they taste that good tho, since I dont really like blueberries, and the chocolate chips tasted like cinnamon. Prolly that's because I found them in Mak's rempah box. Hihihi. Ach said it was good and my best muffins so far, but Kimi didn't like them. Somehow, he won't eat anything I cook nowadays. Sedih.
Btw, I think I found the secret for soft, nice muffins - self-raising flour and mixing the wet and dry ingredients until just combined. I'll bake more muffins soon. Double chocolate muffins or coffee ones would be nice.
I had the urge to bake something yesterday, the only things available in my kitchen are just nice to bake muffins. So muffin it was.
It turned out that the six muffins that I made were the prettiest and the most nicely risen muffins I have ever baked!!! Oh sangat suka.
Taste-wise, I don't think they taste that good tho, since I dont really like blueberries, and the chocolate chips tasted like cinnamon. Prolly that's because I found them in Mak's rempah box. Hihihi. Ach said it was good and my best muffins so far, but Kimi didn't like them. Somehow, he won't eat anything I cook nowadays. Sedih.
Btw, I think I found the secret for soft, nice muffins - self-raising flour and mixing the wet and dry ingredients until just combined. I'll bake more muffins soon. Double chocolate muffins or coffee ones would be nice.
Kannnnnnnnnnnn?? I pun suka gila. I beli star pancake mold, tapi tak buat2 lagi pancakenye. Beli aje.
Lepas tu i beli cucuk buah yang kale2, tapi kimi got distracted by those things terus dia tak makan buah tu and concentrated on the picks instead.