How to Turn a Onesie into a T-shirt

Masa tengah gila shopping baju baby dulu, Ach and I main belasah je beli semua onesies, tshirts, and pants yang kitorang rasa cute. I mean, we were two excited first-time parents, semua benda pun kitorang rasa cute. Macam allergic tengok shops like Brands Outlet or FOS Kids.Asal nampak je mesti masuk, dah tu mesti beli. Kalau keluar shopping nak cari baju Mommy, alih2 baju mommy tade baju kimi gak tambah lagi satu. Or tiga.

Udahnya in the end, Kimi's clothes bertimbun2 memang lagi banyak dari baju aku, sampai tak terpakai2 pun. The only reason tak pakai is because those baju are onesies, which were very adorable on Kimi when he was still a baby. But Kimi kan dah almost 2 years now, jadi I don't like to dress him in onesies anymore. I think onesies are cute on infants, not toddlers. Not even when worn with pants outside. Skema ish ish.

Jadinya I have quite a couple of new onesies yang cantik, nak pakai macam skema, tak pakai sayang. Thanks to TinyDecor, I had turned his onesies into baby T-shirts! This tutorial is completely useful, sebab at his age, memang susah nak cari cheap but cute t-shirts. But onesies banyak yang cute2.

Anyways the tutorial it's not that difficult, really, easy peasy je. Aku yang tak reti menjahit langsung ni pun rasa senang, what more korang2 yang memang hebat2 ni.

Jadi i leave you with pictures of my artwork =)

While were on onesies subject, check this My Baby Rocks website out. While some designs are inappropriate IMHO, some are extremely cool.

Work in Progress

mak rimas tgk aku jahit, she ended up sewing them herself

kimi in his new t-shirt



Anonymous said…
i was going to ask u to teach me camne nak jahit. till i saw the piccas....heh.
ajan said…

I memang nak jahit sendiri tapi agaknya nampak sangat awkward I jahit, mak i rimas tengok.

Terus dia amik pin and jahit sendiri kuikuikui.

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