Our first destination of the day was
The Peak, which is similar to our Bukit Bendera here. Getting there from Hankow Road was easy-peasy, it was only a few minutes walk to the Tsim Sha Shui MTR station, 2 line switches and we were at the Central Station in less than 15 mins.
The happy kid on his way to the Peak Tram station |
We arrived at the The Peak Tram Station at 9.30 a.m in the morning. There are two types of tickets, The Peak Tram Ticket is for those who'd only like to get to the Peak, while The Peak Tram Sky Pass consist of tram ticket and entrance to the
Sky Terrace, the highest 360° viewing platform in Hong Kong. The tickets, even sans entrance to sky terrace, was quite expensive IMO, so we just two adult return tickets for HK$36 each. Kids below three ride for free. Thank you to Ach and Kimi who are both early-risers, we managed to get there really early, sampai nak board the tram pun tak payah beratur. Best.
Before boarding the tram |
The 15-min ride uphill gave us the chance to savor HK's breathtaking view. Gila cantik view from the tram. To the left and right of the rail ada lots of hillside apartments, bungalows, which I bet my fingers costs berjuta juta ringgit, sebab memang cantik gila. Most of the apartments have glass walls for them to enjoy the HK view. Sorry la gambar takde, sebab 1) Aku memang afraid of heights, jadi memang takdenye aku nak pusing belakang to take pictures 2) Ach busy pegang kimi.
Unlike Bukit Bendera, there are quite a lot of things to do on the Peak. There are two shopping malls, Madam Tussaud's pun ada, they even have nice restaurants (atas ni ada Bubba Gump!). Anyways, we spent around 2 hours dekat sini, we had our breakfast at Burger King, jalan-jalan pusing cari postcards... talking about postcards, this is our first overseas family vacation, so we try to start a tradition sending ourselves postcards bila kami jalan-jalan. Ach will write about this later. In fact, I think I've seen the draft.
My boys @ the Peak |
Oh, did I mention I had the scariest escalator ride on the Peak?? Right, I've said before that I'm scared of heights, so anything that involves ridiculous heights scares me, OK? This one particular escalator, it's freakin long, it's located on the 4th floor of the shopping mall and it's facing a huge glass wall which overlooks the HK Island. And, if you look beneath the escalator you can see floor yang paling bawah sekali. So, when you're on it, it's as if you're going straight down to HK Island miles and miles down. Honestly, that escalator ride feels like forever! Kejung kaki aku.
Scary kannnnnnnnn???? |
It was around 11.30 when we left the Peak. Memang nasib baik we arrived early, sebab queue nak board the tram going uphill panjang gila lipat2 lapan kali kot. Kimi time tu memang dah lembik, so we decided to get back to our room and let kimi rest. Before that we stopped to the damn-expensive India Palace one floor down and had our lunch, lepas tu tiga-tiga flat atas katil.
Will sambung in Part II.