Hakimi @ 1448 Days Old
…or 3.997239 years old
(Excel tips: =((TODAY() - DATE(2008,10,28))/362.25)
At 1448 days old, he has progressed quite well in a lot of ways.
- Has gone to school
- Has made a few friends
- is the fav of one ex-teacher who loved him very much. How do I know? Because when he was warded, the teacher texted us every day, called us every day, and even had her parents call us to talk to Kimi because according to her, her parents miss Kimi too.
- Is able to read Bacalah anakku book 7, page 3 to be precise but has remained at that page since last week.
- Has graduated from milk bottles since March this year
- Is totally potty trained since last year and is disciplined enough to go pee every night before he sleeps.
- Been sleeping in his own room – albeit for 2 hours because he WILL wake up at 1am every night without fail and sleep on our bed. Kachau.
- Loves Maths. Hates reading. Will sulk if he's asked to read.
Clockwise from top left: Bacalah Anakku Book 3, First Homework, Maths Time, Sports Day |
He has shown some very good qualities of a fine, young man. I know it’s still too early to call him a “young man” but he has shown maturity beyond what I expect of him in so many ways. Alhamdulillah.
- A very loving, caring, manja son and grandson.
- Very helpful (bila mood dia datang). We can depend on him to put the groceries away in the cabinet fridge (sepah memang sepah, kena tahan mata). When we cook, we, well, at least I, always get him to help with the ingredients.
- Is very sweet. A sweet talker pun ye.
- Very physical. Does not mind hugging and kissing us his parents. Prolly because he is still small kot.
- Is not kedekut with thanks and please.
- Very talkative and very inquisitive. “Mami, tu ape?” “Ayah, ini ape?”
- Gifted with high imagination skills. Yesterday he told us over dinner that he went for a car ride with his nenek and mami over the rainbow. Macam cerita my little pony tu. Ha, like that.
- Very attached to his teachers. He refused to go home even when I got to the school early, sebab nak play lagi dekat sekolah. I guess he gets bored at home.
- Not really scared of heights and speed. He was alright on the Dumbo the Elephant ride in USS. I, on the other hand. Was damn scared. Gayat wey.
- Is very attached to ayah. Lately he can’t be away from his Ayah for more than few hours without asking where he is. Exception is only for when he is in school.
- Is very protective of mami. "Kenapa ayah marah mami? Bagitau Kimi cepat!"
- Is hot tempered but quick to cool down too.
“Kimi, please get me 2 onions.”
"Onion tu yang ni ke mami?”
“Yes sayang, that one.”
"Onion tu yang ni ke mami?”
“Yes sayang, that one.”
But you know
what, one day I made him store an opened santan kotak in the without monitoring
him. Apparently he placed the carton too close to the edge which made the
santan spilled when Ach opened the fridge. Memang la yang kena marah tu Mami.
He also keeps his toys away once he’s done with them.
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Clockwise from top left: Anak Mami, the Little Helper, Anak Ayah |
Of course, he is not without flaws.
- He is quite reserved, especially with companies he’s not familiar with. Yes I take the blame.
- He is not one who will willingly get on the slide if he sees many kids using it. Yes, again. That’s my gene there.
- He is not one to try new things without being encouraged or even forced. Yes, I take the blame too. To get him to try new food I have to go to the extent of suapkan dia (jolok more like it).
- Has shown the tendency to not share his stuff with people, but will do so after kena pujuk (or marah, at times.
He has
quite an experience too.
- Has travelled to quite a number of countries (Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia)
- Has hurt himself a few times when helping me in the kitchen (grazed his fingers quite a few times on a hot pan)
- Been warded once due to bronchitis
- Has been away from both of us, one week at most and survived. When we were apart, he was usually okay during the day but turned into a baby at nights (Kimi nak ayah… sob sob sob)
- He has a girlfriend at school. Apparently, this is a well-known fact in his school. Even the mother of the "girlfriend" knows that Hakimi suda syok sama anak dia.
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Little Traveller, clockwise from top left: Hong Kong, Vietnam, Krabi, Singapore, Acheh, Bangkok, Cambodia |
There you go. Hakimi, at 1448 days old.
Our Sunshine.
Our Sunshine.