Welcome Baby 2.0
Okay, we're calling him Adik now, since we haven't really decided on his names. We still have 7 days left.
Back to the story.
Alhamdulillah, I have safely delivered Adik on Monday, 7 January
2013 at 257 pm. He weighs a healthy 2.95 kg, a mere .01kg lighter than his big
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Adik, fresh from oven. Latched on perfectly the first time I fed him and refused to let go. Kuat mengopek, Mak kata. |
His birth in chronological order:
Saturday, January 5, 2013
It was the day for our weekly baby check up. I was informed that baby is quite huge and is probably 3.2 kg at this time. Honestly, I was VERY scared. My petite (I believe I am petite) frame cannot take anything larger that 3.2 wey! Doc said I was already at 37 weeks and baby looks matured enough to come out. I freaked out and told Ach to take me jalan-jalan to expedite the delivery process. Lagipun I was already feeling too heavy.
We pusing-pusing IKEA that day and bought stuff for the baby cum guest room downstairs. We bought a lot of stuff and aku gigihkan jugak berjalan from Ikea.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
5.00 pm
PIL came to visit and I stayed in the kitchen to fix dinner. MIL kata tak payah tapi aku gigih jugak just because. Managed to cook daging gulai cili api, ikan bilis kicap and sayur. I felt awesome.
10.30 pm – 12.30 am
First contraction started. Sakit tapi tak sangat. Contractions
(the really painful ones) came once every one hour until 1230 midnight. There
was smaller contractions every 15 – 20 mins but it was more of… tightening of
the tummy with little pain.
I was concerned so I started tweeting and whatsapp-ing, asking for advice - I got loads of them, enough to ease my worries. So thanks tweet- and whatsapp-buddies, you helped a lot that night.
Monday, January 7, 2013
3.45 am - 7.00 am
I was woken up by a very strong contraction. Sakit tak hengat! (you have to remember my pain threshold is very low). I thought it might be wise to time the contractions and see how far apart they are and if there are reasons to worry.
I timed. The contractions came every 15 minutes without fail. I started to worry and texted my sister at 5-ish asking if I should go to the hospital that morning. Bearing in mind that it was a Monday morning and my hospital is right smack in the middle of KL. Sister replied my text at 630 and told me to go to the hospital to check - and leave early.
7.00 am
We left the house at 7.00. Ach changed kimi into proper baju (tak mandi!) and off we went. I felt... eh. tiba2 I'm not ready for this. I'm nottttt. But oh well. It's gonna happen sooner or later, ey?
As expected, ALL roads entering KL were badly congested. Oi I don't know how you KL peeps deal with this every day - or at least every Monday. Insane. Insane I tell you. Took us 2 hours to reach Pusrawi. Contractions came constantly 15 mins apart.
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Husband kurang sopan and captured my picture when the contractions came. I thought I'd share. Breathe in, breathe out. And damn I look 20 years older. Parenting really does age you eh. *alasan* |
9.30 am
Reached Pusrawi. I headed to the maternity clinic, told them I'm in pain and my doctor kata terus masuk labor room - which happened to be the same one where I delivered Hakimi 4 years ago. :)
I called my nephew to pick Kimi up and tumpang dekat rumah SIL. Nasib baik I am surrounded by very loving and caring siblings and nephews and nieces.
Once in and settled on the bed, a midwife came to check berapa cm I was dilated. She put on a pair of gloves with some lubrication on and started to rodok-rodok. Sakit ya rabbi. Sakittttttttt. Anyways, I was already 4cm dilated. I thought, kalau at 4 cm sakit dia macam tu, I can't imagine how painful it'd be at 10. If that small hand was already making me feel like ripping the bed sheet, I dare not imagine what I'd want to rip when the baby makes his way out. So I surrendered.
"Nurse, saya nak epidural ye."
1215 pm
Dr Zul, the anesthetist came in and administered the epidural. Mula-mula i was given local anesthetic and I swear it was painful like hell. I yelled and menangis ler apa lagi. Once the anesthetic kicked in I didn't feel much so the second epi shot was painless - regardless I cried teresak-esak juge sampai the doc announced that he was done.
1.00 pm
My doctor, Dr Noorfidak came and checked. a lot of things - baby's heartbeat, my dilation yadda yadda. I was still 4 cm dilated. Apparently, baby's heartbeat tak cantik - his heartbeat dropped every time contraction happened. Dr said there is a possibility that the umbilical cord is coiled around his neck. She said this in a very calming, soothing way while putting her hand on my tummy, urut-urut sikit sambil baca
la ilaha illa anta. Subhanaka, inni kuntu minazzhaliminTidak ada Tuhan selain Engkau. Maha Suci Engkau. Sungguh aku ini termasuk orang-orang yang zalim
She decided to augment my contractions and make them stronger. She even said, "Ala awak tak rasa apa pun kan? Saya kuatkan contraction lagi bagi cepat keluar baby." Fine doctor, fine.
2.30 pm
They continued to monitor baby's heartbeat and my dilation. By this time I was 7cm dilated. The nurse dah siap-siapkan labor equipments. I didn't expect to deliver so soon so I asked, "Dah nak bersalin ke? Baru 7?"
The nurse said, "Dah 7 dah kak. Karang dah 10 takde la tergesa-gesa" "Ohh macam tu..."
2.50 pm
Dr came in and checked my opening. Aku spread saja dr cakap, eh tengok tu dah nampak kepala baby! Ach pun tengok and said, "Aah la b, dah nampak kepala dia!"
Gulp. That was fast? I thought I was only 7 cm dilated? What happened? Gulp lagi sekali.
2.55 pm
"Okay you can start pushing now. Push." Dr said. Ach stood on my right and held my hand and lovingly told me to push as well.
"Okayy stop stop jangan push". Dr did something.
"Ha kan saya dah cakap tali pusat dia belit leher. Tapi satu kali belit je tak ketat sangat. Okay push lagi sekali."
2.57 pm
"Alhamdulillahhh..." Dr said.
"Eh? Dah? Dah keluar?" Ajan asked.
"Dah... Ini dia" Dr showed me the baby.
Woooo. Wooooo. *shed tears*
Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.
And in two minutes, Adik was born. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.
When dr showed Adik, looking very blue and bloody, to me, all I thought was, he's beautiful. He's so beautiful. It's such a beautiful sight that I will never be able to erase from my mind.
Till next time.
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Day 2 Still red with allergies dekat muka. |
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Day 5, if I'm not mistaken. Allergies gone and face slightly fuller. |
Kire cam easy labor gak ko kan?
Augment contractions tu doctor buat apa?
sebab..muka ko tahan sakit dalam kete tu..dah iras sangat sangat muka kak ngah yang =p