Things Kimi Said

Hakimi is still in his talk-ask-non-stop phase.
Why this, why that, how this, how that, who this who that. 

He would ask the same question tens of times that sometimes I just had to tell him to stop. Or else I would go mad. 

Tonight, in the car on our way home he asked us about sembelih and one question led to another. I gave up about 10 mins into the conversation, while Ach continued answering him. Tiba-tiba I noticed that Hakimi was talking less and less... apparently Ach had turned the table on him, asking him one question after another.

Ayah: Kenapa kereta dalam cerita Mr Gru boleh masuk dalam air? 
Kimi : Sebab dia tere.
Ayah : Macam mana dia boleh masuk dalam air?
Kimi : Macam dalam cerita Cloudy 2!
Ayah : Kenapa Mr Gru bawak kereta dalam Cloudy 2?
Kimi : Tak, dia bawak kereta yang boleh masuk dalam air, sama macam cloudy 2.
Ayah : Kenapa mesti masuk dalam air? Kenapa kereta kita tak boleh masuk air?

And it went on and on and on until..

Ayah : Kenapa kimi senyap?
Kimi : Ayah niiiiiii! Kenapa tanya Kimi banyak sangat soalan. Kimi penat nak jawap. 



Tau pun. 


murn!e said…

ok.lepas ni aku nk apply kat aleesya plak =p

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